Taller de Laboratorios Remotos - 4º ESO
What difference is between a remote lab and a virtual lab?
- There's no difference between both types of labs
- Both are the same kind of laboratory with the difference that in a remote lab, researcher and experiment are in the same place
- Both are the same with the difference that in the remote lab the experiment is simulated
May the Curiosity device that is walking on Mars surface, be considered as a remote lab?
- Yes, in fact it's been driven from the Earth by which it can be considered as a remote lab.
- No, because as it is driven from the Earth, it has been considered as a virtual laboratory.
- No, because as it is driven from the Earth, it cannot be considered as a remote laboratory.
what of the following expressions are NOT considered as an advantage when unsing a remote lab?
- The researcher can access to experiment instrumentation at any moment
- The researcher works with actual and not simulated instrumentation
- The researcher works with simulated and not actual instrumentation
In the remote lab system, the researcher is connected to ........
- the Internet
- the controller
- the database server
What function has the web server in the remote laboratory system?
- It’s the system in charge to send to the researcher the web application or site to allow him to experiment and receive results from the experiment.
- It will send audio and video signals, allowing to watch live how the experiment is evolving.
- It’s in charge to receive experiment data. It will also be the responsible to establish the input parameters to carry out the experiment