Innovation Workshop - 3rd. ESO
Indicate what the following expression means: "An object, a technique, a process or a service un servicio that holds new and transforming features."
- An innovation
- An invention
- A technological development
Finish the following sentence:"An innovation is Una innovación es todo cambio que, basado en el conocimiento, genera .......
- Value
- Content
- Something new
What do you think is the best definition for Technique?
- Technique is the set of procedures and resources to be used for a practical purpose
- Technique is the result of the finding of principles and causes that happens in the surronding world
- Technique is the result of the application of scientific knowledge to understand, improve and create technologies.
What is the orientation in the investigation of Niels Borh about the understanding of the matter at atomic scale?
- Orientation to application
- Orientation to knowledge
- Orientation to application and knowledge
What key factor does it intervene in the appearance of innovations like the establishment of e-learning courses on the Internet?
- Product
- Paradigm
- Positioning